Every day, millions of people across the world are missing one of the most important parts of their diet and don’t even know it. An epidemic is sweeping the globe as malnourished ears have been starved for decades of stimulating, thought provoking, uplifting music.
This is the Dawning of a New Funk Revolution

The problem is increasing with every passing year as corporate radio saturates the
airwaves with synthetic “fast food” PRODUCT where MUSIC once reigned. We used to
hear songs that inspired, invoked emotions and made social statements instead of
today’s main focus that seems to be more like commercials for the latest foot wear, “bling”,
cars and promotion of an empty life-style.
Where is this going? Where will our future musicians be now that the market demands image over musicianship? Who will be the next great horn player or guitarist when the works of Miles and Jimi lie buried and unable to inspire a new generation of potential artists? Who’s going to bake the bread when the bakers are all dead and gone?
We’ve starved long enough. Breakfast is now being served.